ar X iv : m at h / 07 01 88 5 v 2 [ m at h . A G ] 9 M ar 2 00 8 CONIC - CONNECTED MANIFOLDS
We study a particular class of rationally connected manifolds, X ⊂ P , such that two general points x, x′ ∈ X may be joined by a conic contained in X. We prove that these manifolds are Fano, with b2 6 2. Moreover, a precise classification is obtained for b2 = 2. Complete intersections of high dimension with respect to their multi-degree provide examples for the case b2 = 1. The proof of the classification result uses a general characterization of rationality, in terms of suitable covering families of rational curves. A Gaetano Scorza che un secolo fa aveva colto l’importanza delle varietà razionalmente connesse considerando la classe particolare di varietà conicamente connesse formata da quelle di ultima specie. ”Invece per le V4 di prima e terza specie arrivo a caratterizzarle tutte valendomi della teoria dei sistemi lineari sopra una varietà algebrica e, per le ultime, della circostanza che esse contengono un sistema ∞ di coniche cosı̀ che per ogni loro coppia di punti passa una e una sola conica. Inoltre la natura dei ragionamenti è tale da mostrare come i risultati ottenuti possano estendersi, almeno per la maggior parte, alle varietà (di prima e ultima specie) a un numero qualunque di dimensioni, ...”, [Sc2, Opere Scelte, vol. 1, p. 253].
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : m at h / 07 01 88 5 v 1 [ m at h . A G ] 3 0 Ja n 20 07 CONIC - CONNECTED MANIFOLDS
We study a particular class of rationally connected manifolds, X ⊂ P , such that two general points x, x′ ∈ X may be joined by a conic contained in X. We prove that these manifolds are Fano, with b2 6 2. Moreover, a precise classification is obtained for b2 = 2. Complete intersections of high dimension with respect to their multi-degree provide examples for the case b2 = 1. The proof of the cla...
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 06 10 28 4 v 1 [ m at h . SG ] 9 O ct 2 00 6 A UNIQUE DECOMPOSITION THEOREM FOR TIGHT CONTACT 3 - MANIFOLDS
It has been shown by V. Colin that every tight contact 3-manifold can be written as a connected sum of prime manifolds. Here we prove that the summands in this decomposition are unique up to order and contactomor-phism.
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 07 01 84 6 v 5 [ m at h . G T ] 1 4 A ug 2 00 7 REVERSE ENGINEERING SMALL 4 - MANIFOLDS RONALD
We introduce a general procedure called ‘reverse engineering’ that can be used to construct infinite families of smooth 4-manifolds in a given homeomorphism type. As one of the applications of this technique, we produce an infinite family of pairwise nondiffeomorphic 4-manifolds homeomorphic to CP #3CP.
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 05 02 57 3 v 7 [ m at h . A G ] 8 A ug 2 00 6 ON DEFORMATIONS OF FLAG MANIFOLDS WITH
Any (global) kähler deformation of a flag manifold F with b2 = 1 is biholomorphic to F .
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 05 04 16 3 v 1 [ m at h . D G ] 8 A pr 2 00 5 AFFINE CURVATURE HOMOGENEOUS 3 - DIMENSIONAL LORENTZ MANIFOLDS
We study a family of 3-dimensional Lorentz manifolds. Some members of the family are 0-curvature homogeneous, 1-affine curvature homogeneous , but not 1-curvature homogeneous. Some are 1-curvature homogeneous but not 2-curvature homogeneous. All are 0-modeled on indecomposible local symmetric spaces. Some of the members of the family are geodesically complete, others are not. All have vanishing...
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